February 1, 2025

Viva 'a Reggina! Celebrating the Feast of Beata Maria Cristina di Savoia in Brooklyn, New York

Blessed Maria Cristina and
SG Francesco II, orate pro nobis
Unable to attend this year’s Feast of Beata Maria Cristina di Savoia (1812-1836), Queen of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies and mother of Servant of God King Francesco II (1836-1894), on Friday, our friends were kind enough to share a few photos from the celebration with us. I’m told the affair was small but festive and full of lively conversation and good cheer. Partygoers broke their Friday fast with a delicious meatless dinner. Viva 'a Reggina! 

Prayer for Blessed Maria Cristina, Queen of the Two Sicilies

O God, who has placed a great light in Your saints and a provident support for Your people along the path, listen with goodness to our prayer, and glorify Your servant Maria Cristina di Savoia, in whose life as a wife and queen You have offered us a shining model of wise and courageous charity, and grant us, through her intercession, the grace [mention here the graces you are asking for] which from You, with trust, we invoke. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Spaghetti alle vongole
Filet of Sole oreganata
Escarole and beans