May 27, 2024

A Look at the Sixteenth Annual Battle of Bitonto Commemoration in New York City

Battle of Bitonto (c.1750) by Giovanni Luigi Rocco
Busy with work, family, and personal business these past few weeks, this year’s Annual Battle of Bitonto Commemoration in memory of Carlo di Borbone's decisive victory over the Austrians in Apulia on 25 May 1735 and the founding of the Bourbon Dynasty in Naples and Sicily was a modest and intimate affair.

Hosted by Brooklyn's exclusive Salone di Partenope, guests were treated to a convivial dinner, recordings of Neapolitan cantatas (Scarlatti, Porpora, etc.), and stimulating conversation on a variety of topics, including religion, history, art, current affairs, and the selection of dramatic charcoal drawings on display from David DiPasquale’s thought-provoking Liber Mysteria.

As is our custom, we honored the fallen on both sides of the conflict and celebrated the feasts of San Gregorio VII and the Madonna delle Milizie.
Original charcoal landscape drawing
from David DiPasquale's Liber Mysteria
Original charcoal landscape drawing
from David DiPasquale's Liber Mysteria
Original charcoal landscape drawing
from David DiPasquale's Liber Mysteria
Original charcoal landscape drawing
from David DiPasquale's Liber Mysteria
Original charcoal landscape drawing
from David DiPasquale's Liber Mysteria

(L) Carlo di Borbone (c. 1761) by Anton Raphael Mengs. (R) The more daring among us attempted to drink some Lacrymma Christi from a Spanish porrón.
Antipasto (Taralli, dates, Cerignola and Castelveltrano
olives, and sharp provolone and primo sale cheese)
Antipasto (Olives, caponata and hot Calabrian chili peppers)

Antipasto (Marinated eggplant, grilled zucchini and roasted peppers)
Fritto misto Palermitano (Crocchè di patatearancini and panelle)
Focaccia Barese
Peperoni ripieni al forno
Babà Napoletano