June 10, 2022

Ponderable Quote from ‘La Monarchia Tradizionale’ by Francisco Elías de Tejada

Translated from the Italian*

Via Toledo, 1963

Perhaps now it is too late to revive the Tradition of Naples. But, for those who still try to denigrate her or want to ignore her, there are vestiges of her in the books that are not read, in the people who are despised, and in the hearts of many who unconsciously feel them as I do. Therefore, walking many afternoons in the noisy Via Toledo I suffered the deep sadness of solitude, consoled only by the serene voice of the last Neapolitan traditionalist, my brotherly friend Silvio Vitale, when the call I felt in the depths of my being told me that it was impossible for the people of my ancestors, rich in generous loyalty, creator of great concrete freedoms, and champion of universal enterprises, to end up like this. I will die, but I want to die with the hope that, even if buried and derided, the tradition of my Naples cannot remain inert archeology. God's justice cannot allow a people who have been an instrument of him in the decisive battles of history to die amidst derision. Not even if, as seems to happen, the Neapolitans let themselves go into the madness of a collective suicide.

* La monarchia tradizionale, Francisco Elías de Tejada, Capitolo Settimo,  La Tradizione di Napoli, 6 Via Toledo, 1963, P.153-154, Controcorrente Edizioni, 2001, P.153-154