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Maschio Angioino (also called Castel Nuovo, or New Castle), Napoli Photo by New York Scugnizzo |
March 27, 2019
March 22, 2019
The First Decade
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Illustration courtesy of John M. Viola |
Since its inception, the site was only meant to augment our activities, it wasn’t suppose to be an end in itself. We wanted to learn more about our history and people, get involved in the cultural and religious life of our community, and share the experiences, discoveries and our excitement with others.
We try to do it in a positive way, though looking back we may not have always been successful. But unlike the vulgar trolls and blinkered neckbeards hiding behind their computer screens or smartphones, our circle of netroots attempt to forge a resilient counterculture at the grassroots level through our many religious, charitable, educational, social, and cultural efforts.
(Un)Social Media
Fed up with social media, we dropped our various accounts (Twitter, Instagram, et al.) and never looked back. Trying to increase site traffic had become taxing and felt like a full time job, for which we have not the time or the will. Even if we did, it has been shown that the yield was not worth the effort. Since leaving the intrusive platforms our web analytics revealed virtually no change in our numbers.
Another contributing factor for our leaving was the hypocritical rules, skewed guidelines and algorithms working against traditional and conservative users. We choose (as much as possible, considering how much sway they hold over the means of communication) not to be complicit with those who are working against our community’s best interests. [This also holds true for individuals, groups, businesses and institutions.]
Thanks to the sorry state of journalism and partisan politics, the web has become ever more disquieting. Politicians and media (both mass and social) are untrustworthy and unhinged. We find our news feeds glutted with vapid drivel, pernicious agitprop, and boldfaced lies.
In hindsight, it is a wonder our withdrawal from these unsavory platforms had not come sooner.
Online Oases
“Never let the perfect be the enemy of the good” ~ Charles Coulombe, Off the Menu: Episode 89
A vast desolation of incivility, perversion and inanity to be sure, there are still plenty of oases out there in cyberspace to briefly escape the madness. Among our favorites are Jeff Mathew’s Naples: Life, Death and Miracles; Karen Haid’s Calabria: The Other Italy; and Raymond Guarini’s Italian American Enclaves. We also recommend the very informative and entertaining Italian American Power Hour podcast with John Viola and his cacophonic “partners in crime,” Pat, Dolores, Anthony and the enchanting Rossella.
Other great sites, though not specifically geared towards Italian Americans, are Tumblr House’s Off the Menu podcast with Vincent Frankini and the perspicacious Charles A. Coulombe; and the Society of St. Hugh of Cluny, which is dedicated to promoting the Traditional Mass in accordance with the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum. Losing the Mad Monarchist in 2018 was a grievous blow, but thankfully his important and prolific work is still available online to peruse and reference.
To be sure there are more, but these are some of our most frequented.
Filthy Lucre
Some have suggested that we monetize the site. While we appreciate the feedback and are flattered that they think well enough of us to believe that we—with such limited popular appeal—could generate anything more than a mere pittance, the idea of monetizing Il Regno is anathema to us.
First of all, we are strictly voluntary. Those of us who contribute do it out of a sense of duty, not for money or profit. Though it helps, the fact that we love what we are doing is incidental.
We also value our independence and don’t want to be beholden to the almighty dollar or impinging sponsors. Advertising will inevitably lead to ugly and obtrusive ads, clickbait and other disagreeable content. It’s best not to go down that path.
Pray Pal
This goes as well for those few generous souls who wish to fund us. Forget the money, offer it to more needy and important causes. Italian American Saint Societies, for example, can always use the support.
If you really want to help us carry on and you can’t contribute constructive content or participate in our public ventures, we are happily accepting donations in the form of prayers. If you like what we do and want us to continue doing it, please say a prayer for us. Your generosity and thoughtfulness are greatly appreciated. God bless you all.
If you really want to help us carry on and you can’t contribute constructive content or participate in our public ventures, we are happily accepting donations in the form of prayers. If you like what we do and want us to continue doing it, please say a prayer for us. Your generosity and thoughtfulness are greatly appreciated. God bless you all.
~ Giovanni di Napoli, Brooklyn, March 21, 2019, The Feast of Bl. Maria Candida of the Eucharist
March 19, 2019
Evviva San Giuseppe! A Look at the 2019 Festa di San Giuseppe in Ridgewood, Queens
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Due to the fragile condition of the traditional processional statue, organizers borrowed one from St. Francis of Paola Church in Williamsburg, Brooklyn Photos by New York Scugnizzo |
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(Above & below) Devotees carry San Giuseppe from the Notre Dame Catholic Academy gymnasium to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Church |
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The statue is placed near the altar in the sanctuary |
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(Above & below) A look at the newly painted church |
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The church has a beautiful semidome above the altar |
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After Mass, the statue is processed out of Miraculous Medal Church |
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A large crowd of devotees gather outside the church for the procession |
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Donations are pinned to the statue |
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Our friends Anna and Franca from the Our Lady of the Snow Society |
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The procession departs from the church |
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The Giglio Band |
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(Above & below) The procession wends its way through the neighborhood |
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Along the way, devotees greet us with their own statues of St. Joseph |
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After a couple of hours the procession makes its way back to the church |
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(Above & below) San Giuseppe is returned to the gymnasium with great fanfare |
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Partygoers stand for the National Anthem before the refreshments |
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President Tony Mulé kicks off the festivities |
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Our dear friend Stephen La Rocca, President of the St. Rocco Society, is honored for his devotion and generosity to San Giuseppe |
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Loaves of blessed bread and prayer cards are distributed to the pilgrims |
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Children help draw the numbers for the raffle contest |
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This year's prizes included statues of the Holy Family and San Giuseppe |
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A few cuties with their beloved patron |
March 18, 2019
Photo of the Week: Torquato Tasso, Sorrento
March 17, 2019
Meridiunalata XI: "Hjumara" by Achille Curcio
Inspired by Cav. Charles Sant'Elia's Meridiunalata/Southernade,* an evocative bilingual (Neapolitan/English) collection of poetry written between 1989 and 2010, we offer the reader an accessible introduction to vernacular (Neapolitan, Sicilian, et al.) verse with the aim of awakening enthusiasm for contemporary and historical poesia Duosiciliano.
In this installment we're featuring the poetry of Achille Curcio
Achille Curcio was born 26 May 1930 in Borgia (province of Catanzaro), where his father was county secretary, before moving to nearby Montauro, on the Ionian side of the province of Catanzaro. He became a school teacher in Catanzaro in the elementary school system, and then spent 40 years teaching in a juvenile detention center there. He began writing very young and chose to write in his native Calabrese dialect. He collaborated with various dailies and magazines. After the publication of his collections Lampari (1970) and Hjumara (1974), his home in Catanzaro and his other home on the Ionian Sea in Calalunga, became meeting places for many leading 20th century figures including Bigongiari, Bonea, Del Pino, Campus, Raul Maria De Angelis, Buttitta and Gerhard Rohlfs. In the mid 1970’s Curcio began a constant effort to bolster Calabrese poetry and he held readings of his work in various cities around Calabria, as well as in Florence, Zurich and Berne, and later in the 1990’s in Canada and Australia as well.
After publishing his personal collection in 1975, Visioni del Sud, which gained him a vaster readership, and his 1983 book Chi canti, chi cunti? he wrote a series of satires, an important collection of Calabrese proverbs, and a collection of short stories, L’eremita di Sant’Anna (1984). Curcio published two further collections of poetry, ’A vertula d’o poeta (1991) and ’U poeta non rida (2005), followed by works centered on the rediscovery and memory of his native land (’U morzeddhu, 2007, and La mia Cantanzaro, 2010). In addition to being translated into Hungarian (L’unda mi cunta/Hullámok dala, 2007), two conventions on dialect poetry were dedicated to him: 1981, La poesia dialettale del Novecento (in Catanzaro, with Ignazio Buttita), and in 2006, Il dialetto come lingua della poesia (in Trieste, with Franco Loi and younger generation poets). His work appeared in many anthologies, including Le parole di legno. Poesia in dialetto del ‘900 italiano, edited by M. Chiesa and G. Tesio (Mondadori, 1984). Luigi Tassoni wrote a critical monograph on Curcio, Lezione di poesia. Il dialetto contemporaneo di Achille Curcio (Bologna, Archetipolibri 2010). In March 2010 the University of Pécs dedicated an international seminar on poetry readings to Curcio, when Pécs was the European Culture Capital. On 26 May 2010, for his 80th birthday, the city of Catanzaro held a day of studies and presentations, and the mayor gave him the keys to the city. For his 85th birthday the MARCA museum of Catanzaro dedicated the La poesia che pensa event under the direction of Rocco Guglielmo and Luigi Tassoni.
HjumaraDe tutti li jochi chi fici guagliuna
non resta cchiù nenta nte chista sirata;
eppuru sti strati, stu vecchiu portuna
mi furu cumpagni nte chiddha jornata,
chi tuttu era jocu, chi tuttu era cantu
si u celu mustrava d’azzurru nu mantu.
De tutti i speranzi cuvati nt’o cora
non resta na scagghia cà tuttu spariu;
chist’anima trema videndu cà fora
na negghia passandu stu celu tingiu
e tuttu cumpara de niru velatu
stu mara, stu sula, stu nundu cangiatu.
Nte chista sirata domandu a lu ventu
duva iddhu portau la mia giovinezza;
e duva mo porta stu caru lamentu
de st’anima nira, cchiù nira ‘e na pezza.
Lu ventu respunda cà tuttu scumpara,
cà resta la vita na vera hjumara.
Hjumara chi porta luntanu l’affanni
d’o riccu signora, d’o peju sciancatu
li belli jornati, l’amuri e li nganni,
speranzi, suspire, nu sonnu spezzatu.
Hjumara maligna chi tuttu trascina
e poi cu nu vuddhu ti scriva la fina.
By Achille Curcio (1974)
Translated by Cav. Charles Sant’Elia
Of all the games I played as a child
Nothing is left in these evenings;
Even these streets, this old great doorway
Were my companions in those days,
When all was a game, when all was song
If the sky shown itself as a blue mantle.
Of all the hopes lodged in my heart
There is left not a splinter, for all disappeared;
This soul trembles seeing that outside
A passing fog stained this sky
And all appears veiled in black
This sea, this sun, this changed world.
In this evening I ask the wind
where he brought my youth;
and where he now brings this dear lament
of this blackened soul, blacker than a rag.
The wind responds that all disappears,
that life remains a true river.
River that brings afar the grief
of the rich lord, of the worst off beggar
the beautiful days, love and deceits,
hopes, sighs, a shattered dream.
Evil river that drags everything
And then with an eddy writes your end.
* Self-published in 2010, Meridiunalata/Southernade is a treasury of poems gleaned from Cav. Sant'Elia's previous collections (Nchiuso dint''o presente, 'A cuntrora, and 'O pino e l'éllera), which were circulated among friends in New York City and Naples. Special thanks to Cav. Sant'Elia for allowing us to reprint his poetry and translations.
March 13, 2019
Binging on Fiction: A Welcome Blast From My Geeky Past
Know, O prince, that between the years when the oceans drank Atlantis and the gleaming cities, and the years of the rise of the Sons of Aryas, there was an Age undreamed of… (1)
Some choice reads from my bookhoard
Eating up a lot of fantasy and fiction of late, I revisited many old favorites, like Hermann Hesse’s The Glass Bead Game, Ernst Jünger’s Eumeswil, and Anthony Burgess’ A Clockwork Orange. I also tackled Robert A. Heinlein’s Starship Troopers and Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Club, both of which have been on my reading list for some time.
Every now and then I go through these phases and glut myself on certain subjects or authors until I’ve exhausted the material or been taken with another topic. Inspired in part by the ongoing J.R.R. Tolkien exhibit at the Morgan Library, it was doubtlessly the recent loss of my father that really led me to reading all this escapist material. At first I just wanted something unchallenging, but well written and diverting enough to help distract my harrowed mind, then it quickly snowballed into an expansive menagerie of speculative fiction (Fantasy, SF and Grimdark).
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Robert E. Howard’s The Ultimate Triumph, illustrated by Frank Frazetta and The Complete Chronicles of Conan, illustrated by Les Edwards
While looking for something new, I unexpectedly stumbled upon L. Sprague and Catherine Crook de Camp’s The Incorporated Knight (Baen Books, 1988) and The Pixilated Peeress (Del Ray Books, 1991), which surprisingly enough are set in an alternative universe where Naples, not Rome, was the seat of Empire. Though they’re nothing like Howard’s pseudo-legendary Hyborian Age, the books are filled with action, adventure, and amusing mishaps and escapades.
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Deluxe editions of Robert E. Howard’s Savage Tales of Solomon Kane and Bran Mak Morn: The Last King, illustrated by Gary Gianni
Strangely enough, I remember seeing both of the de Camp’s books at the Brooklyn Public Library when I was younger and passed them up for others with more appealing (i.e. explicit) cover art. Luckily for me Frank Frazetta, Sanjulián, Gary Gianni and others, illustrated some of the greats, like Tarzan, John Carter of Mars and Solomon Kane. However, one can’t help but wonder what other entertaining reads I missed out on because I didn’t much fancy the packaging. To be sure, this was just one of many unfortunate youthful indiscretions.
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L. Sprague and Catherine Crook de Camp’s The Incorporated Knight and The Pixilated Peeress
The Pixilated Peeress recounts the tale of Sergeant Thorolf Zigramson of the Fourth Commonwealth Foot and the haughty, yet captivating Yvette, Countess of Grintz. While trying to escape the unwanted advances of Duke Gondomar of Landai, Yvette is accidentally transformed into a cephalopod by the slightly senescent sorcerer, Dr. Bardi. In an effort to change her back, Thorolf undertakes a series of hapless ventures, including a rather disturbing encounter with Bza, a monstrously ugly trolless.
Though not exactly what I was looking for, the de Camp’s books were worthwhile and fun.
~ John Napoli, Brooklyn, March 12, 2019, The Feast of San Gregorio Magno
(1) Robert E. Howard, “The Phoenix on the Sword,” The Complete Chronicles of Conan, 2006
Know, O prince, that between the years when the oceans drank Atlantis and the gleaming cities, and the years of the rise of the Sons of Aryas, there was an Age undreamed of, when shining kingdoms lay spread across the world like blue mantles beneath the stars - Nemedia, Ophir, Brythunia, Hyperborea, Zamora with its dark-haired women and towers of spider-haunted mystery, Zingara with its chivalry, Koth that bordered on the pastoral lands of Shem, Stygia with its shadow-guarded tombs, Hyrkania whose riders wore steel and silk and gold. But the proudest kingdom of the world was Aquilonia, reigning supreme in the dreaming west. Hither came Conan, the Cimmerian, black-haired, sullen-eyed, sword in hand, a thief, a reaver, a slayer, with gigantic melancholies and gigantic mirth, to tread the jeweled thrones of the Earth under his sandaled feet. ~ The Nemedian Chronicles
(2) Mary Shelley, Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus, 1831 edition
From Italy they visited Germany and France. I, their eldest child, was born at Naples, and as an infant accompanied them in their rambles.
(3) Homer, Odyssey, Book XI
There, in a lonely land and gloomy cells,
The dusky nation of Cimmeria dwells;
The sun ne’er views the uncomfortable seats,
When radiant he advances or retreats.
Unhappy race, whom endless night invades,
Clouds the dull air, and wraps them in shades.
March 11, 2019
Photo of the Week: Marble Bust at Axel Munthe's Villa San Michele in Anacapri
March 9, 2019
Distributing Food to the Homeless on the Feast of St. Thomas Aquinas
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Thank you to this month's volunteers |
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Anna and Konstantinos |
The next walk will be on Thursday, April 4th—the Feast of San Benedetto da San Fratello—at 7:00 PM. In addition to ready to eat foodstuff and daily necessities, we’re are asking volunteers to donate hats and scarves for the cold weather. Anyone interested in supporting this charitable endeavor can contact Cav. John Napoli at jnapoli@smocsg.org or Anna Mavrianos-Cesare at MsAnnaNY@aol.com.
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Once again, our friends at Caffé Napoli donated a tray of penne marinara |
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Everybody pitched in |
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Konstantinos and Olya |
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Bobby |
Originally posted in The Constantinian Chronicle
The Search for our Ancestry (LVII)
Names, Names, Names
By Angelo Coniglio
Over the past few years, several of my columns have dealt with the importance of our ancestors’ names, when researching their important records to extend our family trees. Because I continually receive questions about Sicilian and Italian given names, surnames, nicknames, ‘maiden’ names and so on, I’ll recap, with some details I’ve more recently learned about each of those types.
I’ll begin with the earliest presentation of names, those in sacramental church records, made before the time that ‘civil’ record-keeping began in Sicily and the northern duchies and civil states of the Apennine peninsula (that is, before the early 1800’s). The sacraments involved were baptism, chrismation (confirmation), marriage and extreme unction. Because extreme unction is the sacrament administered just preceding death, these latter church records are termed ‘death records.’ The earliest church records (as early as the 15th century), and in many cases those to this day, were written in the official church language, Latin. Here are points to remember about names in Latin records:
I’ll begin with the earliest presentation of names, those in sacramental church records, made before the time that ‘civil’ record-keeping began in Sicily and the northern duchies and civil states of the Apennine peninsula (that is, before the early 1800’s). The sacraments involved were baptism, chrismation (confirmation), marriage and extreme unction. Because extreme unction is the sacrament administered just preceding death, these latter church records are termed ‘death records.’ The earliest church records (as early as the 15th century), and in many cases those to this day, were written in the official church language, Latin. Here are points to remember about names in Latin records:

Surnames or family names are usually the same in Latin as in Italian.
Given names vary with the usage of the name in the record. A marriage record for Antonio Russo, son of Angelo, e. g., would list Antonius and Angelus (the declarative forms) in the margin, but the actual record would say the groom was ‘filius Angeli’, where ‘filius’ means ‘son’ and ‘Angeli’ means ‘of Angelus’. The ‘i’ ending on a masculine name that normally ends in ‘us’ is the ‘genitive’ form, carrying the meaning ‘of’ or ‘from’. For feminine names ending in ‘a’, the genitive ending is ‘æ’, usually handwritten to look like an uppercase ‘E’. So ‘filius Mariæ’ means ‘son of Maria’; ‘filius Rosæ’ means ‘son of Rosa’, etc.
A potentially confusing aspect of Latin names is that in many cases, they are different from the corresponding Italian names, but the same as the eventual ‘Americanized’ name. The Italian name ‘Giuseppe’ is ‘Joseph’ in church Latin; ‘Michele’ is ‘Michael’ in Latin; ‘Felice’ is ‘Felix’ in Latin; and ‘Elisabetta’ is ‘Elisabeth’ in Latin. See my web page at http://bit.ly/LatinGivenNames
Once civil records were kept for births, marriages and deaths, they were written in the official language of the region. Even though there was no nation known as ‘Italy’ prior to 1861, the official language was Italian. Many descendants of immigrants knew their nannu or nanna only by the short family-used versions of their Sicilian/Italian given names. A brief list of these follows. For more, see http://bit.ly/ShortenedSicilianNames
It’s important to search original records using the correct ‘proper’ name, as shortened names were never ‘official’. Also, often the diminutive forms of many feminine names were used by families. Angelina, Rosina, Concettina (little Angela, little Rosa, etc.) would be Angela, Rosa and so on in official records. Be open-minded. Don’t say “That “Angela” can’t be my grandmother, her name was Angeline.”
Coniglio is the author of the book The Lady of the Wheel, inspired by his Sicilian research. Order the paperback or the Kindle version at www.bit.ly/SicilianStory Coniglio’s web page at http://bit.ly/AFCGen has helpul hints on genealogic research. If you have genealogy questions, or would like him to lecture to your club or group, e-mail him at genealogytips@aol.com.
March 8, 2019
Happy Women’s Day!
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Nonna Pauline |
In small Mediterranean towns
women, stooped, and girls
with rag-soft bodies
are making lace intricate as brain circuitry.
See how the light spins through,
imprinting the wall—
not with a maze, but a map
to trace your way home
to women yet unborn who’ll find
the lace at the bottom of a cedar chest,
and marvel.
When the world is like a skein
unravelling, look again to the lace: see
how absence forms its pattern,
and purpose fills even the smallest space.
* Reprinted from Eye to Eye: Poems by Maria Terrone, Bordighera Press, 2014, p. 104
March 4, 2019
Photo of the Week: Bronze Head of Hypnos at Axel Munthe's Villa San Michele in Anacapri
March 2, 2019
New Books (March 2019)

New and forthcoming titles that may be of interest to our readers. All are available at Amazon.com
• The Neapolitan Lives and Careers of Netherlandish Immigrant Painters (1575-1655) by Marije Osnabrugge
Publisher: Amsterdam University Press
Publication Date:
Hardcover: $137.75
Language: English
Pages: 416
Read description • The Complete Poetry of Giacomo da Lentini translated by Richard Lansing
Publisher: University of Toronto Press
Publication Date: May 4, 2018
Paperback: $23.35
Language: English
Pages: 208
Read description
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Publication Date: March 4, 2019
Kindle: $0.99
Language: English
File size: 1790 KB
Read description
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