January 6, 2025

Buona Epifania!

At midnight, the Three Wise arrive at the crèche
Ecce advénit Dominátor Dóminus: et regnum in manu ejus, et potéstas, et impérium. Psalm 71. 1 Dues, judícium tuum Regi da: et justítiam tuam Fílio Regis. V. Glória Patri. Ecce advénit Dominátor Dóminus. [1]
As is our custom, at Midnight, we placed the Three Magi figurines into our modest familial presepe (crèche) and had a celebratory shot of Liquore Strega for la Befana, the benevolent witch fated to unceasingly search for the Christ Child and leave presents in the socks of good little boys and girls during her quest on the Epiphany.

We also left out the Nove Bocconi, or the “nine bites,” for the Cuccibocca, ancestral spirits who roam the streets looking for alms at eventide.
The nove bocconi, or nine bites
Still not too old to receive gifts from the old crone, I awoke to find a few awesome surprises, including a couple of bottles of Re Manfredi Aglianico del Vulture, absinthe, torrone, and a hardcover copy of Giacomo Serpotta and the Stuccatori of Palermo 1560-1790 by Donald Garstang.
This year's Epiphany presents
After morning Mass, I performed the traditional rite for the blessing of a home during Epiphanytide with my Epiphany water, salt, and blessed chalk. For protection against evil and to bear witness to our faith, I inscribed the initials 20+C+M+B+25 over my doorways. The characters stand for the calendar year (2025) and Christus Mansionem Benedicat, which means “Christ bless this house.” The letters also represent the traditional names of the Three Magi, Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar.

Buona Epifania and God Bless you all.

[1] Behold the Lord the Ruler is come: and the kingdom is in His hand, and power, and dominion. Psalm 71. 1 Give to the King Thy judgment, O God: and to the King’s Son Thy justice. V. Glory be to the Father. Behold the Lord the Ruler is Come. ~ Introit Malachias 3. 1; Paralipomena 29. 12