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Our Lady of Purgatory, ora pro nobis |
Requiem ætérnam dona eis, Dómine; et lux perpétua lúceat eis Ps. 64, 2, 3. Te decet hymnus Deus in Sion; et tibi reddétur votum in Jerúsalem: exáudi oratiónem meam; ad te omnis caro véniet. Réquiem.
Eternal rest give to them O Lord; and let perpetual light shine upon them. Ps. 64, 2, 3. A hymn, O God, becometh Thee in Sion; and a vow shall be paid to Thee in Jerusalem: O Lord, hear my prayer; all flesh shall come to Thee. Eternal rest.
November 2nd is the Feast of All Souls, or Il Giorno dei Morti, the Day of the Dead. In Southern Italy, it is typically celebrated by attending Mass and visiting the cemetery with flowers and candles to honor their ancestors. Young children who pray are rewarded by their grateful forebears with candy and other small gifts. The presents are usually left in their shoes while the children sleep. In celebration, I’m posting the Introit and Prayer in Latin and English for the Third Mass for All Souls Day. The accompanying photo was taken at, now closed, Saint Joseph's Church in Manhattan.
Deus, véniæ largitor et humánæ salútis amator; quæsumus cleméntiam tuam; ut ánimas famulórum famularúmque tuárum, quæ ex hoc sæculo transiérunt, beáta María semper Virgine intercedénte cum ómnibus Sanctis tuis, ad perpetuæ beattúdinis consórtium pervenire concédas. Per Dóminum.
O God, the bestower of pardon and lover of man’s salvation, we beseech Thy clemency, through the intercession of blessed Mary ever a virgin, and all Thy saints, that the brethren, who have passed out of this world may together enjoy everlasting happiness. Through our Lord.
* Photo of Our Lady of Purgatory at now-closed St. Joseph's Church in Chinatown, New York. The statue is now at St' Rita's Church in Staten Island, New York.