September 7, 2024

Feast of Santa Regina di Alise

Santa Regina, ora pro nobis
September 7th is the feast of St. Regina (Sainte Reine), Burgundian Virgin and Martyr. Born in Alise, Burgundy in the 3rd century to an aristocratic family, her mother died in childbirth. Secretly baptized by her Christian nurse, Regina embraced the Faith much to the consternation of her father. Disowned, he cast her out of their home and she lived as a poor shepherdess.

Courted by a Roman proconsul, Regina refused to renounce her faith and marry him. Angered, he had her imprisoned, brutally tortured and then beheaded. Her great resolve and the appearance of a dove above her head at her death caused many witnesses to convert. She is the patron saint of the poor, shepherdesses and victims of torture.

In celebration, we’re posting a prayer to St. Regina. The accompanying photo comes courtesy of Father Eugene Carrella. The lace holy card is part of Father Carrella’s impressive collection of religious artifacts. Evviva Santa Regina di Alise!

Prayer to St. Regina

Lord God, You showered heavenly gifts on St. Regina. Help us to imitate her virtues during our earthly life and enjoy eternal happiness with her in heaven. Amen.