November 6, 2023

A Few Bonus Pics From Our Recent Visit to the Met Cloisters

The Romanesque Apse of San Martín de Fuentidueña with architectural sculptures of St. Martin of Tours and the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, limestone, Spanish, Castile-León, ca. 1175-1200, from the church of of San Martin at Fuentidueña, near Sergovia. Fresco with the Virgin and Child in Majesty and the Adoration of the Magi from the church of Era Mare de Diu de Cap d'Aran, near Tredòs, Spain. Crucifix, white oak with paint, gold lief, and tin leaf (corpus); softwood with paint and tin leaf (cross); Spanish, Castile-León, ca. 1150-1200
We had such a fantastic time and saw so many beautiful creations during our recent visit to the Met Cloisters in Washington Heights, Manhattan, last Friday, we felt compelled to share some more photos from our edifying excursion. Anyone with an appreciation for true beauty, reverence, and tradition, cannot help but be moved by the museum’s sublime collection of Medieval European masterpieces. I wish I could show you them all, but here are a choice few.
Cuxa Cloister, from the Benedictine monastery of Saint-Michel-de-Cuxa, located at the foot of Mount Canigou in the northeast Pyrenees, Catalan, ca. 1130-40. In the wake of the French Revolution the monks departed and much of the monastery's stonework was subsequently dispersed
(L) Doorway with King Clovis I and King Clothar I, limestone with traces of paint, French, Burgundy, ca. 1250, from the abbey of Moutiers-Saint-Jean, near Dijon. (R) Ornate capital depicting the damned cast into Hell from the Saint-Guilem Cloister, French, late 12th-early 13th century. Following the French Revolution, many elements of the cloister were acquired by local citizens
Lion, fresco transferred to canvas, Spanish, Castile-Leon, ca. 1200,
from a room above the chapter house of the Benedictine
monastery of San Pedro de Arlanza, near Burgos
(L) Aquamanile in the form of a Dragon, copper alloy, North German, ca. 1200. (R) Sculpture of a Kneeling King, Sandstone, Spanish, Aragon, Ca. 1175-1225
Wall Fountain, marble, French, late 19th-early 20th century (Romanesque style)
Pair of Lions, limestone, North Italian, Emilia, early 13th century
(L) Lion Relief, Sandstone with traces of paint, Spanish, Castile-León, ca. 1200, from the church of San Leonardo at Zamora. (R) Capital with Lions Mounted by Nude Riders, stone, Northern Spain or Southern France, first half 12th century
(L) Blessing Bishop (St. Nicholas of Bari), poplar with paint and gilding, Italian,
probably Umbria, ca. 1350-75, from the parish church of San Nicola di Bari
at Monticchio near L'Aquila. (R) Figure of a King, oak with paint and
gilding, south Netherlandish, Flanders, ca. 1300-1325
Liturgical Comb, ivory, South Italian, late 11th- early 12th century
Altar Predella and Socle of Archbishop Don Dalmau de Mur y Cervelló, archbishop of Saragossa from 1434 to 1458/9, Francí Gomar, Spanish, ca. 1456-1458. Reliquary Busts of Female Saints, oak with paint and gilding, South Netherlandish, Brabant, possibly Brussels, ca. 1520-30
(R) Virgin and Child on a Crescent Moon, limewood with paint, German, ca. 1480. (L) St. Barbara, limewood with paint, Alsace, probably Strasbourg, ca. 1490
Nativity of the Virgin, limewood with paint, German, Lower Franconia, ca. 1480, from the parish church of St. Laurentius at Ebern, Bavaria, north of Bamberg
(L) St. Michael, Master of Belmonte (active ca. 1460-90), tempera, oil, gold, and silver on wood, Spanish, Aragon, ca. 1460-90, from the high altar of the parish church of San Miguel at Belmonte, southwest of Saragossa. (R) The Lamentation, walnut with paint and gilding, Spanish, Castile-La Mancha, ca. 1480, from the Benedictine monastery at Sopetrán, northeast of Madrid
(L-R) Hector of Troy (detail) and King Arthur (from the Heroes Tapestries),
wool warp, wool wefts, South Netherlandish, ca. 1400-1410
(L) The Unicorn Rests in a Garden (from the Unicorn tapestries),
1495-1505, French (cartoon)/South Netherlandish (woven), wool
warp with wool, silk, silver, and gilt wefts. (R) Bust of the Virgin,
terracotta with paint, Bohemian, Prague, ca. 1390-95

Also see:

Celebrating the Feast of Sant’Uberto di Liegi at the Met Cloisters

Celebrating the Fourth Faith-Filled Weekend of Advent

Sacred Art From Abruzzo at the Cloisters