September 29, 2023

Unquantifiable and Irrelevant Data

Yesterday we reached over 2,000,000 visitors and would like to thank all fifteen or twenty of our regular readers who keep coming back.

I believe in what we are doing and stand by our project, but I have a sneaking suspicion the numbers are being manipulated by bots or referrer spam. We are way too “niche” to be this “popular.” Plus, I know I’m not that good of a writer.

On the other hand, people do write us encouraging emails and strangers recognize me at certain events more often than I’m comfortable with. So I guess anything is possible.

I don’t care enough about content analytics to study them, after all, this is not a money-making venture or a popularity contest. Unwilling to pander, we wouldn’t change a thing if we had ten or ten thousand readers.

Whatever the real numbers, we are truly grateful to everyone who believes in our mission and supports us. Il Regno is a labor of love and I feel blessed to be a part of it. Thanks and God bless you all.

~ Giovanni di Napoli, September 28, Feast of San Venceslao