February 25, 2025

Feast of Santa Valburga

Santa Valburga, ora pro nobis
February 25th is the Feast of St. Walburga (710-779), Anglo-Saxon Princess, Benedictine Nun, Missionary, and Abbess of Heildenheim. Daughter of St. Richard the Pilgrim, King of the English, and St. Wuna, Sister of St. Boniface, she had two brothers, Saints Villibaldo and Vunibaldo. Along with St. Lioba, she assisted St. Boniface with his missionary work in Germany. Revered as a great healer, she wrought many miracles, including the conversion of witches and calming a violent storm at sea through prayer.

St. Walburga is also venerated on May 1st in remembrance of her canonization by Pope Adrian II in 870 and the translation of her holy relics to Eichstätt from Heildenheim. During this celebration, she is associated with the coming of spring and invoked for bountiful crops and protection against witchcraft and sorcery. Interestingly, on April 30th, known as Saint Walpurga’s Night, great bonfires are set ablaze to ward off evil spirits and witches, similar to the protecting fires erected on the Eves of Sant’Antonio Abate and San Giovanni Battista.

She is counted among the Elaephori, or oil-exuding saints. Still flowing from her tomb in Eichstätt, this miraculous manna is said to have cured countless pilgrims of their illnesses. As the patron saint of sailors, she is invoked against violent storms and hydrophobia.

In celebration, we’re posting a prayer to St. Walburga. The accompanying photo comes courtesy of Father Eugene Carrella. The holy card is part of Father Carrella’s impressive collection of religious artifacts. Evviva Santa Valburga!

Prayer to St. Walburga

O holy St. Walburga, glorious servant of God, after you had lived holily in peaceful obscurity, you were united by your blessed death to your Divine Spouse, Jesus Christ, in order to receive from Him the reward of your virtues. You followed the Lamb wherever He went, and you shared in that glory and joy which only the clean of heart can enjoy. You are enthroned amid the choir of saints, joined by your holy parents, St. Richard and St. Wuna, and to your holy brothers, St. Willibald and St. Wunibald. Forget not those who still have to struggle amid the stormy sea of life, and obtain for them the prize of victory. Amen.