January 14, 2025

Feast of San Felice di Nola

San Felice di Nola,
ora pro nobis

Concéde quesumus, omnipotens Deus: ut ad meliorem vitam Sanctórum tuórum exémpla nos próvocent; quátenus, quorum solémnia ágimus, étiam actus imitémur. Per Dóminum. 
Ouæsumus Dómine, salutáribus repléti mystériis: ut, beáti Felícis Mártyris tui, cujus solémnia celebrámus, oratiónibus adjuvémur. Per Dóminum.

January 14th is the Feast of St. Felix of Nola, 3rd century Priest and Martyr. Co-patron of Nola, Campania with San Paolino di Nola, he is also the patron saint of lost pets and spiders.

An “invincible confessor of the Faith,” St. Felix is regarded as a martyr even though he was not put to death. According to tradition, he was imprisoned and cruelly tortured during the persecution of Christians under Emperor Decius. He miraculously escaped from captivity with the aid of an angel and eluded being recaptured when a spider helped camouflage him with its web.

In celebration, we’re posting the prayer and secret from the Mass commemorating St. Felix of Nola in Latin and English. The accompanying photo comes courtesy of Father Eugene Carrella. The polychrome wood sculpture is part of Father Carrella’s impressive collection of religious statuary and relics. Evviva San Felice di Nola!


Grant, We beseech Thee, almighty God, that the examples of Thy saints may inspire us to a better life, whereby we may imitate his deeds whose solemnity we are keeping. Through our Lord.


Graciously receive, O Lord, the sacrifices dedicated to the merits of Thy blessed martyr Felix, and grant them to profit us unto everlasting aid. Through our Lord.