January 14, 2025

Feast of the Infant Jesus of Prague

January 14 is the Feast of the Infant Jesus of Prague (Gesù Bambino di Praga), a celebration of the mystery of the Incarnation of Our Lord. Representing Christ’s kingship over the world, the Little King is portrayed with an ornate crown, flowing royal raiment and a globe topped with a cross in His left hand. Symbolizing the salvation He brings us, the children of God, the Christ Child’s right hand is raised in blessing, with three fingers held heavenward to denote the unity of the Trinity and the other two fingers bent to reflect Christ’s divine and human nature. In celebration, we’re posting a prayer to the Infant Jesus of Prague. Pictured, is a private shrine dedicated to Our Lord’s most holy infancy. Infant Jesus of Prague, have mercy on us.

Prayer to Infant Jesus of Prague

O Infant Jesus, I form the belief that I shall be granted forgiveness of sins and place it into the hands of Your most Holy Mother Mary; I commend myself to all and every Holy Mass that is celebrated this day and all over the globe, and I offer all this on behalf of the poor Souls in Purgatory. Amen