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Sant'Anastasia di Sirmio, ora pro nobis |
Da, quæsumus, omnípotens Deus: ut qui beátæ Anastásiæ Mártyris tuæ solémnia cólimus; ejus apud te patrocínia sentiámus. Per Dóminum nostrum.
December 25th is the Feast of Sant’Anastasia di Sirmio, Martyr. Commemorated during the second Mass on Christmas, St. Anastasia was martyred on Christmas Day in 304 AD during the persecutions of Emperor Diocletian.
Renowned as a great healer and the “deliverer of potions,” she is invoked against poison.
Patroness of Martyrs, weavers and widows, St. Anastasia is also the patron saint of Motta Sant’Anastasia in Catania, Sicily, where she is venerated on August 25th during harvest.
In celebration, we’re posting a prayer to St. Anastasia of Sirmium in Latin and English. Evviva Sant’Anastasia di Sirmio!
Grant, we beseech Thee, O almighty God, that we who honor the solemnity of Thy blessed martyr Anastasia may experience the effect of her intercession with Thee. Through our Lord.