September 1, 2024

Buon Capodanno Bizantino! Happy New Year to Our Byzantine Brethren!

In the Byzantine Rite September 1st is the beginning of a new liturgical year. For centuries, Byzantine civilization flourished in Southern Italy until being absorbed by the dominant Latin population. However, pockets of the Divine Liturgy and old cultural traditions still exist today and, in some cases, they continue to grow and thrive again.

Harking back to its Imperial roots, Amalfi and neighboring Atrani commemorate Byzantine New Year with a two day medieval themed festival, extolling the past glories of the ancient maritime Republic. Beginning on the eve on August 31st, revelers will partake in a series of popular amusements and entertainments, including music, local delicacies, fireworks and, of course, the grand procession of Knights and Ladies in period costumes (corteo storico rievocativo) reenacting the bygone investiture of the new Magister di Civiltà Amalfitana. 

In celebration, I’m posting prayers for the Beginning of the Church Year from Byzantine Catholic Prayer for the Home. They are meant for private use. Pictured is my WWI Byzantine Cross Combat Rosary from Rugged Rosaries. Buon Capodanno Bizantino!


Troparion of the lndiction Tone 2 You spaced the seasons and the years on Your Own authority, so bless the beginning of this New Year, O Creator. Preserve our authorities and our state in peace, O Lord, through the prayers of the Theotokos, and save us.
Kontakion of the lndiction Tone 2 Christ our King Who dwells on high, bless the beginning of this new year. For You are the One Who set the seasons and the years. You are the One Who made both night and day. Protect our authorities, our state and our people, and keep them at peace, O merciful Lord. 

Glory and ever…O Eternal Word and Son, together with the Holy Spirit, Creator + and Maker of all things visible and invisible, bless the beginning of the year, keep in peace all the faithful, through the prayers of the Theotokos and all Your saints.