August 19, 2024

Feast of San Ludovico d’Angiò

San Ludovico d'Angiò, ora pro nobis

August 19th is the Feast of San Ludovico d’Angiò (1274-1297), Prince of the Capetian House of Anjou in Naples, Franciscan friar, and Bishop of Toulouse. Invoked against typhoid and other lung diseases, he is the patron saint of Limosano in Provincia Campobasso, Molise.

During his time as a hostage to the Aragonese, following the War of the Sicilian Vespers, the devout prince made a vow to enter the Franciscan Order of Friars Minor. Returning to Naples, he renounced his claim to the throne and was ordained a priest. He was soon consecrated Bishop of Toulouse and earned a reputation of holiness and compassion for the poor, downtrodden and sick, particularly those afflicted with leprosy.  

In celebration, we’re posting a prayer to St. Ludovico of Anjou. The accompanying photo of the altar painting of Saint Ludovico of Toulouse crowning King Robert the Wise by Simone Martini is on view at the Museo di Capodimonte in Naples. Evviva San Ludovico di Tolosa!

Prayer to St. Ludovico of Anjou

Glorious St. Ludovico of Anjou, who didst renounce the royal throne in order to dedicate thy life to God and who didst love and tenderly compassionate the sick, intercede for me as thou dost rejoice in the reward of thy virtue.  Make my troubles thine own. Cease not to intercede for me, I beseech thee; vouchsafe to present my request (mention your petition) to the Blessed Virgin Mary and lay it before the throne of Jesus. Obtain for me strength during this life, and that I may someday meet God face to face with you and the Virgin Mary and all the angels and saints, and with the company of heaven may praise Him through all eternity. O most powerful Saint Louis, obtain my petition if it be the most holy will of God. Amen. [Prayer courtesy of Prayers 4reparation’s Blog]