December 19, 2023

Novena to the Holy Innocents

Holy Innocents, orate pro nobis

Pray novena for nine consecutive days, December 19th to December 27th, in preparation for the Feast celebrated on December 28th.

O Holy Innocents in the name of Jesus, for whom your blood was shed, pray for exploited and abused children. O Holy Innocents who, for the sake of the Christ Child your sacrifice was offered, intercede for the captive and suffering children. O Holy Innocents whose blood was sanctified by the precious blood of the Savior, preserve the purity and innocence of children and be their help and comfort. Heavenly Father, I ask that you look with great mercy upon the peril of innocent children being violated in the world and deliver them from every evil. I beg your mercy through the sacrifice of the Holy Innocents and through the sacrificial love of your beloved Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be

* The accompanying photo was taken in the narthex of the Church of the Holy Innocents in New York City