February 20, 2025

Feast of San Leone di Catania

San Leone di Catania, ora pro nobis
February 20th is the Feast of San Leone di Catania, Bishop and Wonderworker (thaumaturge). Patron saint of Rometta (ME), Longi (ME), Sinagra (ME) and Saracena (CS), he was revered for his compassion, charity and many healing miracles.
Though kind and generous, the beloved Bishop was not one to be trifled with. According to popular legend, a wicked and troublesome magician named Heliodorus (Eliodoro) would regularly harass San Leone and cause disturbances during Mass. Sowing confusion and doubt among the laity with black magic, the fiend repeatedly refused San Leone’s requests to cease and repent.

Fed up with sorcerer’s impudence, and fearful for the wellbeing of his parishioners, San Leone ordered a bonfire built in the piazza. Dragging Heliodorus by his collar, together they leaped onto the burning pyre. Consumed by the flames the charlatan was immolated, leaving behind a pile of smoldering ash. Dusting off his omophorion (shoulder vestment), San Leone returned to the church unscathed and triumphant.
In celebration, I’m posting a Prayer to San Leone di Catania. The accompanying image of San Leone defeating Heliodorus is in the Chiesa del Santissimo Crocifisso Santa Maria di Licodia in Catania. Evviva San Leone di Catania!
Prayer to San Leone di Catania
Grant, we beseech Thee, almighty God, that the examples of San Leone di Catania may effectually move us to reform our lives; that while we celebrate his festival, we may also imitate his actions. Look upon our weakness, almighty God, and since the burden of our own deeds weighs heavily upon us, may the glorious intercession of San Leone protect us. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.