February 3, 2025

Feast of San Biagio

San Biagio, ora pro nobis
February 3rd is the Feast of San Biagio (Saint Blaise), Bishop and Martyr. One of the Fourteen Holy Helpers, he is the Patron Saint of veterinarians and those who suffer from throat afflictions. He is also invoked against attacks by wild animals. Widely venerated across Southern Italy, the great healer is the principal patron of Plaesano (RC), Maratea (PZ), Ruvo di Puglia (BA), Caronia (ME), Bronte (CT), Spezzano Sila (CS), Atena Lucana (SA), Avetrana (TA), and Verzino (KR), among others. In celebration, I'm posting a Prayer to Saint Blaise. The accompanying photo was taken at the Shrine Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Evviva San Biagio!
Prayer to Saint Blaise
O glorious Saint Blaise, who by your martyrdom left to the Church a precious witness to the Faith, obtain for us the grace to preserve within ourselves this divine gift, and to defend — without concern for human respect — both by word and example, the truth of that same faith, which is so wickedly attacked and slandered in these our times. You miraculously restored a little child who was at the point of death because of an affliction of the throat. Grant us your mighty protection in similar misfortunes. And, above all, obtain for us the grace of Christian mortification, together with faithful observance of the precepts of the Church, which keep us from offending almighty God. Amen.