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San Saturnino di Tolosa, ora pro nobis |
Dóminus secus mare Galilææ vidit duos fratres, Petrum et Andréam, et vocávit eos: Venite post me: fáciam vos fíeri piscatóres hóminum. Ps. 18, 2. Cœli enarrant glóriam Dei: et ópera mánam ejus annúntiat firmaméntum. V Glória Patri.
The Lord saw two brothers. Peter and Andrew, by the seaside of Galilee, and He called them; Come ye after Me, I will make you to be fishers of men. Ps. 18, 2. The heavens show forth the glory of God, and the firmament declareth the works of His Hands. V. Glory
November 29th is the Vigil of Saint Andrew the Apostle and the Feast of St. Saturninus of Toulouse, Bishop and Martyr (If the feast of St. Andrew falls on a Monday, the vigil Mass is said on the previous Saturday as no vigil may be kept on a Sunday). In celebration, I’m posting the Introit (Matt. 4, 18, 19) and Prayers in Latin and English. The Illumination of the Martyrdom of St. Saturninus by Jacobus de Voragine was extracted from the Legend Aurea, XIV century. Evviva Sant’Andrea e San Saturnino di Tolosa!
The Vigil Prayer of St. Andrew
Quæsumus, omnípotens Deus: ut beátus Andréas Apóstolus, cujus prævenímus festivitátem, tuum pro nobus implóret auxílium; ut, a nostris reátibus absolúti, a cunctis étiam perículis eruámur. Per Dóminum.
We beseech Thee, O almighty God, that blessed Andrew, Thine apostle, for whose feast we are preparing, may implore for us Thine aid, that, our offenses being pardoned, we may also be saved from all dangers, Through our Lord.
Prayer of St. Saturninus (Nov. 29th)
Deus, qui nos beáti Saturnini Mártyris tui concedis natalítio pérfrui: ejus nos tríbue méritus adjuvári. Per Dóminum.
O God, Who dost permit us to enjoy the feast-day of Blessed Saturninus, Thy martyr, grant us to be assisted by his merits. Through our Lord.