October 13, 2024

Feast of St. Edward the Confessor

St. Edward the Confessor, ora pro nobis

Deus, qui beátum regem Eduárdum, Confessórem Turm, æternitátis glória coronásti: fac nos, quæsumus, ita eum venerári in terris, ut  cum eo regnáre possímus in cœlis. Per Dóminum.

October 13th is the Feast of St. Edward the Peacemaker (c.10031066), King and Confessor. The last Anglo Saxon King of England, Edward ruled from 1041 to 1066. A pious ruler, his reign was generally peaceful and prosperous. So strong was his reputation for sanctity, his people believed he could heal the sick with his touch. Also a great benefactor of the Church, between 1042 and 1052 he began rebuilding St. Peter's Abbey (Westminster Abbey). Once the patron saint of England, he was succeeded by St. George in 1348. Today the glorious Monarch is invoked by those suffering through difficult marriages. 

In celebration, I’m posting a prayer in Latin and English. The accompanying photo of stained-glass window was taken at Our Lady of Peace Church (522 Carroll St.) in Gowanus, Brooklyn.


O God, Who hast crowned the blessed King Edward, Thy confessor, with the glory of eternity, make us, we beseech Thee, so to venerate him on earth that we may be able to reign with him in heaven. Through our Lord.