September 8, 2024

Feast of Santa Fortunata

Santa Fortunata, ora pro nobis
In Baucina, Sicily, the second Sunday in September is the patronal Feast of Santa Fortunata, Virgin and Martyr. According to tradition, the young maiden lived in Palestrina, Latium and converted to Christianity. Denounced as a Christian, she was arrested and brutally tortured to death in Rome in 200 AD. Santa Fortunata's liturgical 
memorial is celebrated on February 14th, which marks the arrival of her relics to Baucina from the Roman catacomb of San Lorenzo (also called San Ciriaca) in 1790.

In celebration, I'm posting a Prayer to Santa Fortunata. Pictured is my makeshift shrine dedicated to the glorious martyr. Evviva Santa Fortunata!
Prayer to Santa Fortunata
O virgin and martyr, Saint Fortunata from that sublime throne where you rest in your glory, deign to gaze upon me, your unworthy and devout servant. I pray that by your purity and heroism in glorious martyrdom, you may ask Jesus Christ and His most holy Mother, virgin of virgins, to protect me from every serious sin. I wish to offend Jesus no more, and when He sees me in temptation, may He deliver me from every thought and affection contrary to His law. Awake in me the memory of eternity and of Jesus crucified. Imprint deeply in my heart a sentiment of holy fear of God; inflame me with divine love, that imitating you on earth, I may merit happiness with you and with God in heaven, Amen.