September 28, 2024

Feast of San Venceslao I, Duca di Boemia

San Venceslao I, ora pro nobis

Deus, qui beátum Wencesláum per martyrii palmam a terréno principátu ad cœléstem glóriam transtulísti: ejus précibus nos abomni adversitáte custódi, et ejúsdem tríbue gaudére consórtio. Per Dóminum.

September 28th is the Feast of San Venceslao I (St. Wenceslaus I), 10th century Duke, Martyr and patron saint of Bohemia (Czechia). A pious and holy King, he was a great benefactor of the Church and helped spread Christianity throughout his kingdom. On his way to Mass, he was murdered by his brother Prince Boleslaus' henchmen in 929 (or 935).

In celebration, we're posting a prayer to St. Wenceslaus I in English and Latin. The accompanying photo of St. Wenceslaus by the Roman painter Angelo Caroselli comes courtesy of Kunst Historisches Museum Wien. Evviva San Venceslao!

Prayer to St. Wenceslaus I

O God, Who, through the palm of Martyrdom, didst transfer blessed Wenceslaus from an earthly principality to heavenly glory, keep us, by his prayers, from all adversity, and grant us to rejoice in his fellowship. Through the Lord.