September 12, 2024

Feast of the Madonna di Montevergine and the Most Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Madonna di Montevergine, ora pro nobis
September 12th is the Feast of the Madonna di Montevergine and the Most Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary. One of the so-called "Seven Sisters of Campania,” an appellation given to the region's major Marian devotions under different titles, she is also venerated on February 2nd, the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Mother.

Enshrined in the hilltop sanctuary in Mercogliano, Avellino, the miraculous icon of Mamma Schiavone in the Greek Galaktotrephousa (Nursing Madonna) style is traditionally attributed to St. Luke and possibly the first icon of Our Lady.

In celebration, we're posting a Prayer to Our Lady of Montevirgine. The accompanying photo was taken at the Our Lady of Mount Carmel Grotto in Staten Island, New York. Evviva Mamma Schiavona!
Prayer to Our Lady of Montevergine
O Blessed Virgin who have deigned, centuries ago, to choose and consecrate Montevergine as your sanctuary, turn your eyes of mercy upon us kneeling at your feet, honoring you and invoking you in this Holy Image.
O most loving Mother of all the faithful, be always for each one of us a true Mother as you have been until now; and obtain for us the grace to be always your true, loving, respectful and devout children. – Hail Mary.
O Beneficent Treasure of divine graces, give us abundantly the favors we ask of you with confidence; you know well what are the many needs of our souls. – Hail Mary
O most powerful Advocate of poor sinners, assist us in dangers, fortify us in temptations and guard us from all sins; and do not cease to intercede with your Divine Son for the salvation of our souls. until you have led us with you into Heaven. Hail Mary