March 21, 2020

Acts of Spiritual Communion

Monstrance with consecrated Host
When you do not receive communion and you do not attend Mass, you can make a spiritual communion, which is a most beneficial practice; by it the love of God will be greatly impressed on you. ~ St. Teresa of Ávila, The Way of Perfection
For those of us unable to attend the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass or communicate sacramentally, may I suggest making an Act of Spiritual Communion, which, as San Tommaso d'Aquino told us, was "an ardent desire to receive Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament and in lovingly embracing Him as if we had actually received Him." Under normal circumstances the faithful are encouraged to practice Spiritual Communion as often as they desire; however, during these difficult times, when public Masses have been suspended and people are practicing "social distancing" due to the Wuhan Coronavirus pandemic, it may be our best course of action to attain union with Our Lord. Thankfully, this can be done anywhere, anytime. To make an Act of Spiritual Communion, one must make the sign of the Cross, read the Mass Readings (if possible), and receive Jesus in your heart while reciting a Prayer of Spiritual Communion. The prayer can be your own or, if you prefer something more traditional, you can say the one composed by Sant'Alfonso Maria de' Liguori:
My Jesus, I believe that Thou art truly present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. I love Thee above all things and I desire to possess Thee within my soul. Since I am unable now to receive Thee sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace Thee as being already there, and unite myself wholly to Thee; never, never permit me to be separated from Thee. Jesus, my sweet love, wound, inflame this heart of mine, so that it may be always and all on fire for Thee. Amen.