February 27, 2025

Birth of the Tercio de Nápoles

“The ink that dyes my pen is not soaked in the blue of literary chimeras, but is red like the blood of the soldiers of the ‘tercios’ of the kings of Naples, in which my Neapolitan ancestors, sons of Italian land, established the truth absorbing us with the perfect grace of the whirling flash of their imperial swords.” ~ Francisco de Tejada [1]

Today, we commemorate the formation of the Tercio de Nápoles, the Old Third of Naples. February 27, 1537, marks the traditional birth date of this elite fighting force. Dios, Patria, Fueros y Rey. [2]


[1] Translated from La monarchia tradizionale, Francisco Elías de Tejada, Controcorrente Edizioni, 2001, p. 16. The original reads: “L’inchiostro che tinge la mia penna non è intriso nell’azzurro delle chimere letterarie, ma è rosso come il sangue dei soldati dei 'tercios' dei re di Napoli, in cui i miei antenati napoletani, figli di terra italiana, stabilirono la verità che ci assorbe colla grazia perfetta del roteante balenio delle loro spade imperiali.”

[2] Carlist motto, which means "God, Country, Privileges and King"