September 17, 2024

Feast of San Benedetto il Moro da San Fratello

San Benedetto il Moro, ora pro nobis
September 17th is the patronal feast of St. Benedict the Moor from San Fratello, Sicily (San Fratello c.1524–Palermo, April 4, 1589), hermit and miracle worker. Invoked against pestilence, famine and other natural disasters, he is the patron of San Fratello, as well as one of the co-patrons of Palermo.

Descended from African slaves that converted to Christianity, the meek and pious youth entered a Franciscan hermitage on Monte Pellegrino under Girolamo Lanza. Following the passing of their founder, San Benedetto was elected their superior.

In 1562, Pope Pius IV disbanded the hermit community and encouraged the confreres to join another order. San Benedetto joined the Order of Friars Minor in Palermo and, despite being illiterate, eventually rose from cook to superior of the Friary of Santa Maria di Gesù.

Revered for his sanctity, San Benedetto was often consulted by priests, prelates and even the illustrious Viceroy of Sicily, Marcantonio II Colonna. He is renowned for healing the sick and feeding the poor by miraculously multiplying bread and fish through prayer.

After his death, San Benedetto’s cult spread from Sicily to Spain and the new world with the Spanish. He was beatified by Pope Benedict XIV in 1743 and canonized by Pope Pius VII in 1807. His liturgical Feast Day is commemorated on April 4th.

In celebration, we’re posting a prayer to St. Benedict the Moor. The accompanying photo of San Benedetto il Moro, courtesy of Anthony Scillia, was taken at St. Benedict Church in the Throgs Neck section of the Bronx, New York. Evviva San Benedetto il Moro!

Prayer to St. Benedict the Moor

O God, by whose gift blessed Benedict the Moor persevered in imitating Christ, poor and lowly, grant us through his intercession that, faithfully walking in our own vocation, we may reach the perfection you have set before us in your Son. Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.