March 22, 2024

Feast of Sant'Isidoro l'Agricoltore

Sant'Isidoro l'agricoltore, ora pro nobis
March 22nd is the Feast of Sant’Isidoro (c.1075-1130), lay farmer, ascetic and miracle-worker. He is the patron saint of farmers, day laborers, agriculture, Madrid, Spain, and Giarre, a commune in the Metropolitan City of Catania. In celebration, we’re posting a prayer to Saint Isidore the Farmer. The accompanying photo, courtesy of Anthony Scillia, was taken in the Chiesa di San Michele Arcangelo in Nicosia, Sicily. The painting depicts the saint miraculously making water gush from stones as angels plow the arid fields with oxen. Evviva Sant' Isidoro l'agricoltore!

Prayer to St. Isidore the Farmer

Good Saint, we are told that your devotion to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass was so great that you would rise before it was light in order to be able to attend Mass before beginning your work in the fields. Obtain for us, we pray you, some of that loving devotion to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. There it is that the fruits of our farm labor, bread and wine, are brought and offered to God by the priest. Then, in the consecration, Christ Himself, Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, becomes present on our altars under the appearances of this same bread and wine. And in what was the altar bread, He comes to us to be the very food of our souls. If we deeply realize the value and beauty of Holy Mass, we will be very happy to attend as often as we possibly can.

Help us to understand that in the Mass we offer ourselves to God with Christ by the hands of the priest. There we can bring to God all that we do, and offer it to Him in union with His Holy Sacrifice. The oftener we do this now, the happier we shall be hereafter. Good Saint Isidore, bless us and our labors, that we may some day reap the reward of good works with you in heaven. Amen.

Prayer Source: Rural Life Prayerbook by Alban J. Dachauer, S.J., National Catholic Rural Life Conference,1956