February 13, 2024

Novena to Santa Margherita da Cortona

Santa Margherita da Cortona,
ora pro nobis

Pray Novena to St. Margaret of Cortona for nine consecutive days, February 13th to February 21st, in preparation for the Feast on February 22nd. Evviva Santa Margherita da Cortona!

O glorious St. Margaret, you embarked on a life of penance and poverty after you repented of your sins. Jesus touched your heart, and after imposing on yourself a rigorous life of fasting, Jesus talked and conversed with you, revealing to you his merciful heart that rejoices whenever a sinner returns to him. 

On controlling your appetite for food, you managed to free yourself from all temptations, including those of the flesh of which you were a victim for many years. Listen then to our petitions. May you bring our petitions to Jesus. Amen

(Mention your request here…)


St. Margaret of Cortona, pray for us.

The accompanying photo comes courtesy of Father Eugene Carrella. The holy card is part of Father Carrella’s impressive collection of religious artifacts.