July 24, 2024

Feast of Beata Mercedes del Sacro Cuore

Beata Mercedes del Sacro Cuore, ora pro nobis
July 24 is the feast of Blessed Maria Mercedes Prat (1880-1936), Teresian Sister, Virgin and Martyr. Arrested in Barcelona for being a nun by anti-Catholic forces during the Spanish Civil War, Blessed Maria Mercè was executed in cold blood while praying the Pater Noster, the Lord’s Prayer. She is the patron saint of persecuted Christians. 

In celebration, we’re posting a prayer to Blessed María Mercè of the Sacred Heart. Evviva Beata Mercedes del Sacro Cuore!

Prayer to Blessed María Mercè of the Sacred Heart

God of infinite goodness, You gave Blessed Maria Mercedes, virgin, the courage to bring to fullness in martyrdom her offering to You and to the Church. Grant us, through her intercession, the grace to be so firmly rooted in the love of Christ that nothing can ever separate us from this love. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever. Amen