June 3, 2024

Feast of Santa Clotilde

Santa Clotilde, ora pro nobis
June 3 is the Feast of St. Clotilde (Lyon, c.475 – Tours, 545), Queen of the Franks. She is the patron saint of brides, widows, exiles, parents and adopted children. Convincing her husband King Clovis I to renounce his pagan idols, he converted to the Catholic Faith after a vow he made during the Battle of Tolbiac against the Alamanni. Many of his subjects imitated their victorious King and converted to Christianity. 

In celebration, we’re posting a prayer to St. Clotilde. The accompanying image of St. Clotilde is by French lithographer Achille Devéria. Evviva Santa Clotilde!

Prayer to St. Clotilde

Hail, gentle and loving St. Clotilde, sweet illustrious Queen of the Franks, who by thy faith and perseverance in the Lord didst convert thy husband and made France for many centuries a venerable stalwart of the Catholic faith, I implore thy powerful intercession in this my great need. Assist me, holy St. Clotilde, from thy height of glory in heaven. Thou, who during thy earthly sojourn, didst drink deeply from the Saviour's chalice of sorrows, have pity on my dire distress, especially . . . (Here make your intention). Grant also that through my sorrows I may, like thee, purify my faith and never lose hope in the mercy of God. Amen.