June 14, 2024

Feast of San Marciano di Siracusa, Vescovo e Martire

San Marciano di Siracusa, ora pro nobis
June 14th is the Feast of San Marciano di Siracusa, Missionary, Bishop and Martyr. Co-patron of Syracuse and Gaeta, he is invoked against terrible storms. Known as the “First Bishop of the West,” tradition says he was a disciple of San Pietro Apostolo and sent to Sicily from Antioch to preach the Gospel. Settling in Syracuse, the wonderworker converted a great many to the Faith before being martyred by the Jews. Some sources say he was bound to a column and stoned to death, while others claim he was tossed off a high tower. In celebration, I’m posting a prayer to San Marciano. The accompanying photo was taken outside the Duomo di Siracusa in Sicily. Evviva San Marciano di Siracusa!

Prayer to San Marciano

O glorious San Marciano, our special patron, turn your gaze as father and guide of the people who invoke and venerate you. Accept our plea and, with your powerful intercession, obtain the long-awaited graces for us [mention your intensions here] Remove the danger of storms and devastating hail from our countryside. Amen.

O Lord, hear our prayers through the intercession of San Marciano and grant the desires of our heart. San Marciano, pray for us!