April 5, 2021

Pasquetta – Little Easter 2021

Frittata di maccheroni
In remembrance of the risen Christ's meeting and subsequent dinner with his disciples on the road to Emmaus, a small town outside Jerusalem, Duosiciliani (Southern Italians) celebrate Pasquetta, or Little Easter. Traditionally family and friends would pack a lunch and take a short trip to the shore or countryside in commemoration of Christ’s journey, but because Easter Monday is not a national holiday here in the States, and people have to work, it’s not always easy to organize a group outing. As expected, COVID made it more difficult and once again deterred my usual fellow day trippers. Nonetheless, I still try to keep the tradition whenever possible, even if it is by myself. So I packed my picnic basket with Easter leftovers, some frittata di maccheroni and a good book, and found a peaceful location to reflect on my many, many blessings. Buona Pasquetta!