June 15, 2024

Feast of San Vito Martire

San Vito Martire, ora pro nobis
June 15th is the Feast of San Vito Martire. One of the Fourteen Holy Helpers, San Vito is invoked against neurological disorders (e.g. Saint Vitus Dance), rabies and animal attacks. He is also the patron saint of epileptics, dancers and actors. Widely venerated across Southern Italy, he is the principal protector of Aquilonia (AV), Mazara del Vallo (TP), Ciminna (PA), Forio (NA), San Vito sullo Ionio (CZ), Regalbuto (EN), and Torella die Lombardi (AV), among others. In celebration, I'm posting a Prayer in Honor of Saint Vitus. The photo was taken at St Lucy's Church, National Shrine of Saint Gerard in Newark, New Jersey. Evviva San Vito!
Prayer in Honor of Saint Vitus
Grant us, O God, through the intercession of St. Vitus, a due estimation of the value of our soul and of its redemption by the precious blood of Thy Son Jesus Christ; so that, for its salvation, we bear all trials with fortitude. Give this Thy youthful servant and heroic martyr as a guide and protector to Christian youths, that following his example they may after a victorious combat receive the crown of justice in heaven. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.