May 25, 2024

Feast of the Madonna delle Milizie di Scicli

Madonna delle Milizie di Scicli, ora pro nobis
Every year on the last Saturday in May, the Baroque jewel of Scicli in the province of Ragusa, Sicily celebrates the Feast of the Madonna delle Milizie and the miraculous triumph of Count Roger of Hauteville over the Saracens in 1091. 
The feast commemorates the divine intercession of the Blessed Mother on behalf of the Norman forces at a critical point in the battle. Nearly overwhelmed by the paynim's superior numbers and fearing defeat, Count Roger invoked the aid of the Virgin. Mounted on a white charger and dressed in full military regalia, the apparition of Our Lady appeared on the field-of-battle in the district of Milizie and lead the Normans to victory. The triumph was of great importance for the eventual Christian reconquest of the island.
As part of the jubilant festivities the Sciclitani dress in period costumes (Christian and Moslem) and parade an equestrian statue of the Madonna through the bustling streets with much fanfare. Among the local delicacies served for the occasion is a delectable cream puff shaped like a turban called testa di turco, or Turkish heads. 
In celebration, I'm posting the Invocation to Our Lady by St. John Bosco:
O Mary, powerful Virgin, you are the mighty and glorious Protector of the Church. You are the Marvelous Help of Christians. You are Terrible as an Army set in Battle Array. You alone have destroyed every heresy in the entire Church. In the midst of my anguish, my struggles and my distress, defend me from the power of the enemy, and at the hour of my death, receive my soul into Paradise. Amen.