December 10, 2023

Celebrating the Feast of the Immaculate Conception at Our Lady of Pompeii Church in New York City

Bye-Altar with Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception mosaic
Friday evening we attended Holy Mass for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, Patroness of these United States and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, at Our Lady of Pompeii Church in the South Village neighborhood of Lower Manhattan. It was concelebrated in English and Italian by H.E. Salvator Ligorio, Archbishop of Potenza, Basilicata, Fr. H. Carlos Anklan, Fr. Sergio Dall’Agnese, Fr. Jefferson Bariviera, Fr. Marcio Toniazzo, Msgr. Robert Murphy, Don Massimiliano Scavone and Don Luigi Portarulo.

Not one for the New Mass (especially with lady lectors doing their best Black sermonic 
impersonations), I must admit the guitarist-vocalist [I apologize for not getting his name] performed a hauntingly beautiful rendition of Antonio Anastasio’s Salve during the Offertory.

After Mass, young students from the Scuola d”Italia did a terrific job singing St. Alphonse Liguori’s famous Christmas carol, Tu Scendi Dalle Stelle.

Afterward, members of the clergy, visiting dignitaries from Basilicata, and the local Lucanian community unveiled the monumental Nativity Scene (Presepe) created by artisan Franco Artese from Grassano, Matera. The crèche’s dramatic scenery and figures were inspired by the religious and cultural history of this ancient and storied Southern Italian region.

Following the inauguration, the congregation was treated to a magnificent musical performance of traditional Christmas and religious songs from Basilicata by Nicola Scaldaferri, Professor of Ethnomusicology, Vincenzo Di Sanzo, traditional instrumentalist, and vocalist Francesca Esposito.

Food and beverages were served in the parish hall.
(L) Beautiful High Altar with Our Lady of the Rosary of
Pompeii altarpiece. (R) Statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Apse with mural of Our Lady of the Rosary of Pompeii
Zampognari process into the church
Vincenzo Di Sanzo, Francesca Esposito and Nicola Scaldaferri
Maestro Nicola Scaldaferri
Vincenzo Di Sanzo
Vincenzo Di Sanzo and Francesca Esposito
The musicians performed a wide array of Southern Italian sacred music
Nicola Scaldaferri
A few of the instruments the musicians used during their performance
After the show, the zampognari processed to the presepe with their bagpipes
A miniature depiction of the Sassi di Matera
The Holy Family
(L) Giovanni Battista Scalabrini. (R) Emigrant leaving, or,
if you're more optimistic, joyfully returning to) Basilicata
Devotees processing towards the Holy Family
(Above & below) Scenes of Lucanian daily life
A woman watching the festivities below her balcony
A woman doing her laundry
I love the towering bell towers of San Pietro Caveoso
and the Cattedrale di Matera in the background
Always great to see our friends John, Maria, David, Mike and Alexis
Attendees enjoyed a delicious repast in the church hall
Missals and informative pamphlets were provided at the church