June 28, 2023

Saints Peter and Paul Attributed to Giuseppe Picano

San Paolo Apostolo
During our recent visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City (see Another Edifying Excursion to the Met), we viewed many spectacular works—too many, to be sure, to post in a single post. Regrettably, our photo of San Pietro attributed to Giuseppe Picano (1732-ca. 1810) was a little blurry, so we omitted it. However, seeing as it is the vigil of the Brother Apostles, we thought we would revisit our trip to the museum and share the photos despite their obvious shortcomings. 

These terracotta statuettes (1780s) served as models for the statues of Saints Peter and Paul in the choir of the Oratorian church of the Girolamini in Naples. The statues were carved later (ca. 1795) by Picano's follower Francesco Verzella (Naples, active ca. 1790-1845).

San Pietro Apostolo