February 1, 2025

Novena to Santa Scolastica da Nursia

Santa Scolastica da Nursia, ora pro nobis
Pray novena to Santa Scolastica da Nursia for nine consecutive days, February 1st — February 9th, in preparation for the Feast celebrated on February 10th.

O God, to show us where innocence leads, you made the soul of your virgin Saint Scholastica soar to heaven like a dove in flight. Grant through her merits and her prayers that we may so live in innocence as to attain to joys everlasting. This we ask through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. Amen


(Mention your request here…)

St. Scholastica, pray for us.  

Our Father…  Hail Mary… Glory Be…

* The accompanying photo was taken during my 2007 pilgrimage to the Abbey of Monte Cassino.