August 31, 2021

A Look at the 2021 Feast of Santa Rosalia in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn

Reclining statue from the now-closed Santa Rosalia Church
the outdoor chapel on 18th Avenue, between 71 St. and 72 St
Our Novena to Santa Rosalia continued Sunday afternoon at the final day of the Feast of Santa Rosalia in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn. The eleven day street festival culminated with a Mass at St. Dominic’s Church (2001 Bay Ridge Parkway), procession through the old neighborhood, and celebratory meal at the fair grounds on 18th Avenue. We salute all the members of the Figli di Santa Rosalia, the Associazione Culturale Pugliese Figli Maria SS. Addolorata, the San Rocco Society of Potenza, the Fratelli della Santa Fede, and all the participants for making this year's feast another huge success. Evviva Santa Rosalia!

This year's Grand Marshal Frank Naccarato (center) with Enzo and Angelo
As always, members of the Associazione Culturale
Pugliese Figli Maria SS. Addolorata showed up in force
The Procession departs the fairgrounds
(Above & below) the Procession wends its way through the neighborhood
A good time was had by all
Devotees sing hymns and pray along the way
This year's Principessa, Grand Marshal and a couple of adorable "Rosalias"
The Metropolitan Festival Band 
After Mass, the procession heads back to the fairgrounds
(L) Afterword, the processional statue was returned to the outdoor chapel.
(R) Our brethren Bruno and Andrew celebrating their faith and culture
Sausage and broccoli rabe pizza at il Colosseo
Grilled veal chop with escarole at il Colosseo
Brioche con gelato at Villabate Alba
Cream filled pasticciotti at Villabate Alba