August 2, 2024

Feast of Sant'Alfonso Maria de Liguori

Sant'Alfonso de Liguori, ora pro nobis
August 2nd is the Feast of Sant'Alfonso de Liguori, Doctor of the Church and patron saint of those suffering from arthritis.

The oldest of eight children, Sant'Alfonso was born on September 26, 1696 in Marianella, a small village on the outskirts of Naples. His mother, Donna Anna Caterina Cavalieri, was a loving and pious homemaker; his father, Don Giuseppe de Liguori, was Captain Commander of the Flagship of the Royal Squadron. 
Alfonso studied canon and civil law and earned his doctorate at the age of seventeen. In 1723, against his father's wishes, he abandoned his legal career to become a priest. 
A devout and zealous preacher, he later founded the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, a missionary society dedicated to the spiritual needs of the poor people of Naples. In 1762 he was consecrated Bishop of Sant'Agata dei Goti, a commune in the Province of Benevento. 
Sadly, his later years were racked with acute arthritic suffering. Sant'Alfonso died August 1, 1787 in Nocera die Pagani in the Province of Salerno. He was canonized in 1839 and proclaimed a Doctor of the Church in 1871.
In celebration, I'm posting a Prayer to Saint Alphonsus. The accompanying photo was taken at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City. Evviva Sant'Alfonso de Liguori!

Prayer to Saint Alphonsus

Heavenly Father, You continually build up Your Church by the lives of Your Saints. Give us grace to follow Saint Alphonsus in his loving concern for the salvation of people and so come to share his reward in heaven. Walking in the footsteps of this devoted servant of Yours, may we be consumed with zeal for souls and attain the reward he enjoys in Your Kingdom. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.