In celebration of the two year anniversary of my investiture into the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St. George, I’m posting an alternative version of the Daily Prayer of the Order. Originally published in Per un cammino spirituale dei Cavalieri e delle Dame Costantiniani (For a Spiritual Journey of the Constantinian Knights and Dames) on the occasion of the 2016 Pilgrimage to Rome, the prayer was recently translated into English in the inaugural issue of Constantinian Chronicle, the digital bulletin of the United States Delegation.* Congratulations to my fellow celebrants, it has been an honor and a blessing to serve with you these past two years. — Cav. Napoli, IHSV
The Daily Prayer of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St. George
Lord Jesus, You have deigned to let me participate in the Militia of the Constantinian Knights of Saint George, I humbly beg You to intercede with the Blessed Virgin of Pompeii, Queen of Victories, the valiant Martyr Saint George, Your Glorious Knight, and all the Saints, to help me remain faithful to the traditions of our Order, practicing and defending the Holy Catholic, Apostolic, Roman Religion against the onslaught of impiety.
It becomes for me an armor of faith and a shield of good will, sure defense against the pitfalls of my enemies - as visible as they are invisible. I beg You that I may have the grace to exercise charity towards my neighbor and especially towards the poor and the persecuted in the cause of Justice.
Give me finally the virtues necessary to achieve, according to the spirit of the Gospel, with a disinterested and deeply Christian spirit, these holy desires, for the greater glory of God, the glorification of the Holy Cross and the propagation of the Faith, for the peace of the world and the good of the Constantinian Order of Saint George. Amen
* Constantinian Chronicle, January–March 2018, Issue 1, Volume 1