March 20, 2024


In this third installment of my "virtual chapbook," I pay homage to the great counter-revolutionary hero Cardinal Fabrizio Ruffo (1744-1827) and his Army of the Holy Faith (Sanfedisti), who defeated the subversive Jacobins and liberated the Kingdom of Naples in 1799.


Vermilion raiment at the head of the host
Answering His Majesty’s call,
To defend faith, family and hearth
From Napoleonic Gaul.

The warrior prelate from old Magna Graecia
Raised an unwavering array,
Like Patrizia over the “maiden-voiced”
The Army of the Holy Faith delivered Parthenope.

Routing the traitorous Jacobin
They felled the “Trees of Liberty,”
And restored to his rightful throne
His Sicilian Majesty.