June 24, 2023

Ponderable Quote from 'The Habsburg Way: Seven Rules for Turbulent Times' by Eduard Habsburg

Die Well (and Have a Memorable Funeral)
We live in an age where almost everyone seems certain that they will go to Heaven. (As somebody once said, "nowadays the only thing you need to do to get to Heaven is to die.") Most people seem blissfully unaware that there is a possibility that they may end up in Hell for all eternity. In fact, I am frequently surprised at how casually priests at funerals provide assurances that the dearly departed is "with God." Priests rarely speak of Purgatory and almost never mention Hell. Presumably these pastors do not wish to burden family and friends with unpleasant possibilities. But perhaps they should remind people of the concrete things they can do for their departed loved ones, such as pray for their souls?
Reprinted from The Habsburg Way: Seven Rules for Turbulent Times by Eduard Habsburg, Archduke of Austria, Sophia Institute Press, 2023, p. 137