February 4, 2023

A Look at Our Grand Tour of the Church of St. Rita in Staten Island, New York (Part 3)

Painfully realistic papier-mâché statue of the Cristo Morto
The Rectory

Recently invited to the Church of St. Rita in 
Staten Island, New York, we were warmly welcomed by members of the congregation and given a personal tour of the church and rectory by Father Eugene J. Carrella. A vital sanctuary for rescued religious statuary, with an emphasis on Italian American devotional sculpture, the rectory has been transformed by Father Carrella into a veritable museum and ossuary abounding with his private collection of sacred artifacts.

See Part 1: The Church, Adoration Chapel and Basement

See Part 2: Father's Residence

Exquisite papier-mâché statue of Sant'Antonino Abate
(L) The Virgin Mary nursing the Christ Child.
(R) Immacolata Concezione della Beata Vergine
(L) San Luigi Gonzaga. (R) St. Alphonsus Rodriguez
(L) St. Hyacinth of Poland. (R) San Francesco di Paola
(L) St. Thérèse of Lisieux. (R) St. Juliana of Liège
(L) Santa Eulàlia de Barcelona. (R) Sant'Ambrogio
(L) Sant Josep Oriol. (R) St. Benedict Joseph Labre
(L) St. Jeanne d’Arc!. (R) San Gabriele Arcangelo
(L) San Nunzio Sulprizio. (R) St. Geneviève
(L) Sant'Onofrio. (R) St. Adrian Van Hilvarenbeek 
(L) Santa Rosa da Lima. (R) Pope St. Cornelius
(L) St. Catherine Labouré. (R) St. Casimir of Poland
(L) San Placido Martire. (R) Pope St. Pius X
(L) San Giovanni Battista. (R) St. Bernadette Soubirous
San Felicisimo Martir
San Felicisimo Martir holy card on the back of the encasement
Display shelves with various statues
(R) San Rocco di Montpellier. (R) San Luca Evangelista
St. Jean Gabriel Perboyre
(Above & below) Pictured are just a handful of the many
curio shelves displaying Father Carrella's vast statue collection