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Sant'Agnese, ora pro nobis |
Deus, qui nos ánnua beátæ Agnétis Virginis et Mártyris tuæ solemnitáte lætificas: da, quæsumus; ut, quam venerámur offício, étiam piæ conversatiónis sequámur exémplo. Per Dóminum.January 28th is the Feast of St. Agnes for the Second Time. According to tradition, seven days after her martyrdom (January 21st), St. Agnes appeared before her grieving parents to reassure and console them. She also visited the ailing Princess Constantia, daughter of Emperor Constantine, who was praying at her grave. St. Agnes convinced the princess to get baptized, and she was healed. Filled with gratitude for the graces received, Constantia built a basilica in honor of St. Agnes.
St. Agnes is the patron saint of young girls, virgins, gardeners, and victims of sex abuse, as well as Pineto (TE), Corropoli (TE), and Sava di Baronissi (SA) in Southern Italy.
In celebration, we’re posting a prayer to St. Agnes in Latin and English. The accompanying photo comes courtesy of Father Eugene Carrella. The Olot statue is part of Father Carrella’s impressive collection of religious statuary and relics. Evviva Sant’Agnese di Roma!
O God, Who dost gladden us with the yearly solemnity of blessed Agnes, Virgin and Martyr, grant us, we beseech Thee, to follow the example of pious living set by her whom we venerate in our devotions. Through our Lord.