January 29, 2025

Feast of San Francesco di Sales

San Francesco di Sales, ora pro nobis
Deus, qui ad animárum salútem beátum Franciscum Confessórem tuum atque Pontificem ómnibus ómnia factum esse voluísti: concéde propítius; ut caritátis tuæ dulcédine perfúsi, ejus dirigéntibus mónitis, ac suffragántibus méritis, ætérna gáudia consequámur. Per Dóminum.

January 29 is the Feast of San Francesco di Sales (21 August 1567 – 28 December 1622), Bishop of Geneva, Confessor and Doctor of the Church. He is the patron saint of Catholic writers, educators, and the deaf because during his episcopate, he developed a sign language to help catechize a young deaf man. In celebration, we’re posting a prayer to St. Francis de Sales in Latin and English. The accompanying photo is my makeshift shrine dedicated to the saint. Evviva San Francesco di Sales!

Prayer to St. Francis de Sales

O God, Who for the salving of souls didst will that blessed Francis, Thy Confessor and Bishop, should become all things to all men, be pleased to grant that we, being filled with the sweetness of Thy love, guided by his teachings, and helped by his merits and prayers, may attain the joys of everlasting life. Through our Lord.