June 4, 2022

Three Bourbon Statues in the Pacini Garden in Catania

King Ferdinando I with scepter and sword was inaugurated in 1853
In the Giardino Pacini in Catania, Sicily stand three statues of Bourbon Kings by accomplished sculptor Antonio Calì (1789-1868), pupil of Antonio Canova and Bertel Thorvaldsen. All three were vandalized in 1860 by the invading Garibaldini and later removed to a municipal warehouse. Heads lost forever, the heavily damaged statues were kept in storage for over a century before finally being relocated to the gardens in 1964. They are pictured here with drawings of the sculptures in their original state.

Photos by Gian Luca Giorgetti Toraldo Di Francia courtesy of the 1° Reggimento Re Facebook group.
King Francesco I in classical regalia was inaugurated in 1833
King Ferdinando II also in classical garb was inaugurated in 1842