April 18, 2022

Pasquetta – Little Easter 2022

Frittata di maccheroni
In remembrance of the risen Christ's meeting and subsequent dinner with his disciples on the road to Emmaus, a small town outside Jerusalem, Duosiciliani (Southern Italians) celebrate Pasquetta, or Little Easter. Traditionally family and friends would pack a lunch and take a short trip to the shore or countryside in commemoration of Christ’s journey, but because Easter Monday is not a national holiday here in the States, and people have to work, it’s not always easy to organize group outings. Nonetheless, we still try to keep the tradition whenever possible. This year, we brought some leftovers from our Easter dinners, including pizza chiena and sanguinaccio, and made the customary frittata di maccheroni. Picnic basket in hand, we found a peaceful location at a nearby park to reflect on our many, many blessings. Buona Pasquetta!

Pizza chiena