March 22, 2021

Happy Twelfth Anniversary

Twelve years and a million and a half visitors is a modest milestone in terms of the internet, but for us it is truly a joyous occasion. Hopefully we have another twelve in us, though the way things are going lately this may not be totally up to us. While I don’t want to overstate our influence or importance, I certainly don’t want to underestimate the vindictive pettiness of our adversaries. The fragile Jacobin mindset is hateful and malicious, and unable to cope with any dissent from their twisted worldview. Hell bent on world domination, any and all opposition to their malevolent designs, no matter how seemingly insignificant or small, must be rooted out and extirpated in the name of progress.  

Preparing for the worst, we’ve been backing up our material in case we fall victim to the online purge currently baby-proofing the web for the ridiculously sensitive and intolerant masses. Who knows, we just may have to start up an old-school samizdat style journal similar to the underground fanzines we use to publish back in high school with nothing but a typewriter, photocopier and a desire to be heard. 

Online censorship aside, we also have to contend with a growingly hostile environment. The steady decline of New York City into an unlivable hellscape makes it harder and harder to gather in public with family and friends. Fear of crime, overcrowding, skyrocketing costs, and crumbling infrastructure were issues before the COVID meltdown, now the draconian lockdown, partisan politics, and government incompetence has made it virtually impossible for us to do more than have a few small scale celebratory dinners and (excluding the unjustified period of church closures) attend the Traditional Latin Mass together.

Naturally, all plans to reboot our book and chess clubs or start new stamp and fencing clubs are on hold for the foreseeable future. To the best of our ability we are trying to maintain our religious and charitable endeavors, including spiritual warfare, the corporal works of mercy and heroic acts of charity. As for the blog, we can’t make any promises. We will continue to write and publish for as long as we like or until our technocratic overlords jettison us down the proverbial memory hole.

A big heartfelt thank you to all our loyal readers and contributors, even the lovable nitpickers who help keep us on our toes. Your support and prayers are greatly appreciated and inspire us to do better. God bless you all.

 ~ Giovanni di Napoli, March 21st, The Feasts of Bl. Maria Candida of the Eucharist and San Benedetto da Nursia