March 7, 2025

Feast of the Crown of Thorns

Lord Jesus, have mercy on us

The Holy Crown is for the faithful soul a source of merit.. [it] will merit for you a crown of glory... A single soul performing her actions in union with the merits of My Holy Crown may gain more than many others. ~ Jesus to Sr. Marie Martha Chambon

The first Friday of Lent is the Feast of the Crown of Thorns, Festum susceptionis coronae Domini. Originally instituted in 1239, after the solemn translation of the holy relic from Constantinople to Paris by St. Louis IX of France, the feast spread throughout Europe and was kept on various dates. Eventually adopted at Rome as a double major in 1831, it is observed on the Friday following Ash Wednesday. In celebration, I’m posting The Crown of Thorns Prayer. The accompanying photo of the Crown of Thorns and Holy Nails was taken at the Church of St. Boniface (109 Willoughby St.) in Brooklyn, New York. Viva Cristo Re!

The Crown of Thorns Prayer

Dear Lord, I am grieved when I consider Thy sad condition when Thou wore the Crown of Thorns upon Thy holy Head. I desire to withdraw the thorns by offering to the Eternal Father the merits of Thy Wounds for the salvation of sinners. I wish to unite my actions to the merits of Thy Most Holy Crown, so that they may gain many merits, as Thou hast promised. Amen.