March 22, 2018

“Scrivere,” Luigi Finelli’s Latest Collection of Poetry and Reflections

On March 16th surgeon Luigi Finelli's collection of poetry Scrivere was presented and discussed in the Biblioteca Croce- Via Francesco de Mura. (See Fiorella Franchini's review in Il Denaro). Finelli previously published in 2002 Poco più che parole with the Guida publishing house in Naples, receiving special mention in the literary contest “Elsa Morante-Isola di Procida,” and in 2005 E per un istante la mano tremò, won the “Il Minturno” International Literary Prize.
In this latest work Finelli takes the reader on a poetic journey spanning 30 years and addresses themes such as love, time, and eternity. With images and verse he recalls the place of his memories, the Island of Procida, rich in local atmosphere and melancholy. — CSE